Gli shop di Alessia

Gli shop di Alessia

Double look: blush jumpsuit


Today, dear Pinelle, I’m posting the kind of solution I really adore: the double look!

The outfit is the same, just change the accessories and voila! An ultra-simple look for daytime can become a super-cool must for a more glitzy evening!

For instance, take a simple jumpsuit like this Topshop one I bought in London, team it with a pair of sandals and a big enough work bag. Into the bag put a pair of killer heels and a belt to cinch in the waist a bit.

Your look will have an incredible dual effect and is perfect for an evening out if you don’t have time to pop home to change. How many times have you been invited to a party or dinner right after work and you’ve turned it down not just because of fatigue but also because you didn’t feel like going home and changing?

Well, this little trick can help you out or simply get you to put yourselves out there for an evening… ahahahahah!!! 🙂

Mwah, mwah!

Jumpsuit: Topshop
High Shoes: Zanotti
Clutch: Sergio Rossi
Low Shoes: Stewart Weitzman
Bag: Marks&Angels

Questo articolo ha 2 commenti.

  1. Greta P.

    Ciaooooooo stai benissimo con questa tuta ed è anche molto fashion, mia mamma la vuole assolutamente…strano ma vero questo post me l’ha fatto notare lei nonostante non segua blog e siti di moda ma case, case e case, non ho preso niente da lei! Detto questo ti mando un abbraccio affettuoso, non scrivo più con la stessa frequenza di una volta ma ti penso e nomino spesso 😉 😉 <3

  2. Luca

    Cacchio se ti vestì male ragazza mia!!! Proporrei l’oscar alla sciatteria!!!

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