Elegance is the only beauty that never fades (A. H.).
This is a sentence that I love and that reminds me of a fashion icon like Audrey Hepburn. I talk about her even because today I want to give some space to a never ending trend: ballerina shoes. I love these shoes, and I always liked them in all possible versions, colors and brands. I always use them for my job and my private life, because as you know ballerinas are not just shoes for me… comfy, free, and I actually think that these shoes are very sexy and able to make you feel special even without wearing high heels… I talked about many ballerinas that I wore and even in my “Pinella a colori” there is a part entirely dedicated to flat shoes…
Exactly because for me these are not just shoes… but a way of being and tell something about ourselves. Their story is full of surprises and were reinvented by many famous stylists. But let’s go back to their origins, where and how were flat shoes created?
Strictly linked to the dancing world, and you know how I love to dance J they were created for a need related to this art. The first pair of ballerinas shoes were designed by Rose Repetto in the 60’s for her dancer son Roland Petit and since then they have been used in many different ways. Surely they became a MUST also thanks to Brigitte Bardot. She is still today an icon of elegance and freedom…and she had a pair designed by Repetto…
But it’s not over… ballerinas are shoes that tell the kind of women we decide to be… do you remember the gorgeous Capri pants and ballerinas that Audrey Hepburn was wearing in the movie “Funny Face”? The model that Ferragamo designed just for her in 1954 was launched by the designer to recall the idea of elegance and flexibility. And Jacqueline Kennedy used to wear them in her public and private life and she also used to buy a new pair each month…
Ballerinas are a must that can’t be missed in a woman’s wardrobe. Pointed, round, colored, simple or with a special detail, with stretch or large pants, with long dresses, it’s a shoes that always gives a unique touch to our outfits. Even for the next spring summer collection many famous designers decided to revisit them, from Gucci to Givenchy and Etro and a new feature is related to the shape. Lace-up ballerinas are a model with laces that wrap the instep till the ankle and wants to imitate the shape of gladiators sandals.
When I choose to wear this type of flat shoes, whatever the color is, it’s always one of my ways of telling something about myself to others…
Here’s a picture of my ballerinas, a nice 39 and Mia’s, a splendid 28 . Little ballerinas grow up…
What kind of flat shoes are you Pinelle? I would love to see your models, what color you like…post your ballerinas with the hashtag #ballerinepinelle on Facebook, Twitter or leave a comment here…
I’m counting on it…and enjoy you ballerinas