Happy Birthday

Yes… today is my birthday! Before talking about outfits, fashion, trends, etc.. I want to thank you all for following me every day with such affection.

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Good afternoon pinelle and pinelli! Today we’re going to take a little leap backwards… and the word leap has not been chosen by accident! 😀 The

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Coats Time!

Hi there everyone!!! How was your weekend? The time has now come for taking our coats out of the wardrobe…there are no two ways about

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Red tweed

Hello there Pinelle and Pinelli!!! Had a good weekend? I’m on the train with Mia and taking a moment of peace to write to you!

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I love made in Italy!

I love made in Italy! I did tell you that September would be an action-packed, novelty-rich month! Tomorrow’s post will feature lots of great surprises

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Little women

Hello there Pinelle and Pinelli!!!!! Today we’re going to take a dive into the world of fairy tales with this lovely blond princess by the

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